Recommended Products
The Explorers Program founders have some great stuff that we recommend to help teachers, parents, and students on their journey! You can find our favorite things below. (We may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase from these links, but it’s at no extra cost to you!)
Checkpoint 1
Yarn Balls
Checkpoint 4
Tent/Ball Pit
Ball Pit Balls
Poster Board
Black-Light Pens
Black-Light Flashlight
Checkpoint 5
Coffee Filters
Washable Markers
Butcher Paper
Yoga Mats
Water Cups
Checkpoint 6
Mini Tape
Large Tape
Dry-Erase Spinner
Checkpoint 12 / Party
Helium Tank (and 50 Balloons)
Extra Balloons
Party Favors
Party Favors Cont.
Chocolate Coins
All Checkpoints / Miscellaneous
Treasure Box
Printer Paper
Laminator Sheets
Index Cards